Visit Memorial Bridge (Pai)
Presentation Memorial Bridge
g_translate Thai name : สะพานประวัติศาสตร์ท่าปาย
reviews My opinion:
Built by the Japanese during the World War II, this bridge is not used nay more. A ''modern'' was built just by its side. The memorial bridge is on the schedule of many day trips offered by agencies because it is not far from the
Pai Canyon. A quick stopover before or after the discovery of the canyon is interesting. Coming from Pai just for the bridge will probably only motivate the fans of the History of World War II.
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Practical information about Memorial Bridge
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How to get to Memorial Bridge ?
Il n'y a pas de transports en commun pour se rendre au Memorial Bridge de Pai, mais vous pouvez vous y rendre rapidement à vélo ou vous pouvez louer un moto-taxi, il vous en coûtera environ 150 THB pour aller et revenir.
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