hotels and guesthouses in Old Sukhothai in Sukhothai
Find accommodation in Sukhothai
In Sukhothai, hotels and guesthouses are located in New Sukhothai, modern city. Old Sukhothai is the Historical Park area. There are two guesthouses in Old Sukhothai, just opposite the entrance of
Sukhothai Historical Park but places to sleep there are counted. In New Sukhothai, the guest houses are mostly concentrated in the area near the bridge on Jarodvithi Thong Road which crosses the Yom River. The accommodation rates are very affordable in Sukhothai.
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this serious website that is part of the same group very gives the same warranties and often offers better final prices for the same type of room in the same hotel in Thailand: This is very often the case since COVID (it was less the case before).
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List of hotels and guesthouses in Old Sukhothai in Sukhothai
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