hotels and guesthouses in Chiang Khan
Find accommodation in Chiang Khan
The choice of accommodation in Chiang Khan is vast but local demand on weekends and thai public holidays too. The occupancy rate is particularly high on Saturday nights (
book in advance). The overwhelming majority of customers are Thai, many accommodation only have signs in Thai and are not on conventional online booking networks and websites.
We advise you to choose an hotel or guesthouse in Chai Khong Road, on the riverside to enjoy the view. Chiang Khan tries to preserve its identity so most accommodation are in typical wooden houses. Comfort and privacy are a little below the usual standards and prices are higher compared to other places in Thailand. Blame the popularity of the place ! But during the week, it is easy to negotiate discounts.
Find accommadation in Thailand at the best price
If is the best-known hotel reservation website (and the one that spends the most money to trust Google results),
this serious website that is part of the same group very gives the same warranties and often offers better final prices for the same type of room in the same hotel in Thailand: This is very often the case since COVID (it was less the case before).
Find accommodation in Thailand
List of hotels and guesthouses in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
Guesthouse in Chiang Khan
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