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Visit Wat Suan Tan (Nan)

g_translate Thai name : วัดสวนตาล
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Wat Suan Tan
Wat Suan Tan Nan
Wat Suan Tan Nan
Founded in the 15th century, Wat Suan Tan interesting stupa includes a 40 m high at the back which combines motifs of Hindu and Khmer styles topped with a pattern stylr Sukhothai in the form of a lotus bud, modified in its current form in 1914. the heavily restored main hall houses the Phra Chao Thong Thipun, a beautiful seated Buddha in Sukhothai style bronze. It measures 4.10 meters high and was ordered by the ruler of Chiang Mai, Tilokaraj after its conquest of Nan in 1449.C'est undoubtedly for him the Wat Suan Tan worth the trip!
Small curiosity,There is a statue of the famous Wat Phumin paintinfg The Whisperer at the back of the temple.

Practical information about Wat Suan Tan

No admission fee
Open from 7 am to 5 pm

How to get to Wat Suan Tan ?

To visit the Nan city center, I recommend cycling. Most hotels and guesthouses offer bicycles and there are bike paths in the streets, including a circuit between the main temples.
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Rules to respect when visiting a temple

Wat Suan Tan is a temple and when you visit a temple in Thailand there are some rules to know and follow :

  • Dress properly (knees and shoulders should be covered)
  • Take off your shoes when entering the buildings
  • Be quiet
  • Don't hug or kiss
  • Don't point your feet to Buddha's image
  • Don't smoke

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