
Your Travel Guide to Thailand

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Visit Wat Phra Ngam (Ayutthaya)

g_translate Thai name : วัดพระงาม
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Wat Phra Ngam Ayutthaya
Ayutthaya Wat Phra Ngam
Ayutthaya Gate Of Time
The remains of this old temple located 3 kilometers from the Wat Na Phra Meru are essentially composed by a chedi and especially a unique door to which Thais gave the nickname of ''Gate of ''. It is precisely the arch of the temple main door with the tree that surrounds it with its roots that made the reputation of Ayutthaya Wat Phra Ngam. This is clearly one of the most photogenic spot in Ayutthaya.

Also called Wat Cha Ram, the place is not dated by historians but the temple was mentioned in stanza 23 of Niras Nakhonsawan which was composed during the reign of King Narai. So it would date from before that time.
Few tuk-tuk drivers offering tours have Wat Phra Ngam on the photos they show to tourists to decide together which places they will take you to visit. Note that there are a lot more crowd visiting the temple on weekends and holidays in Thailand.

Need a hotel near Wat Phra Ngam ?

Do you want to stay in a hotel near Wat Phra Ngam ?

See here a list of accommodations close to Wat Phra Ngam

Practical information about Wat Phra Ngam

Free admission
There is no public transport to get to this temple located off the central island of Ayutthaya but it can be reached by bicycle. After Wat Na Phra Meru, there are about 3 kilometers to reach Wat Phra Ngam.

How to get to Wat Phra Ngam ?

There is no public transport to get to this temple located off the central island of Ayutthaya but it can be reached by bicycle. After Wat Na Phra Meru, there are about 3 kilometers to reach Wat Phra Ngam. Hiring a tuk-tuk is also an option to get to this temple.
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Rules to respect when visiting a temple

Wat Phra Ngam is a temple and when you visit a temple in Thailand there are some rules to know and follow :

  • Dress properly (knees and shoulders should be covered)
  • Take off your shoes when entering the buildings
  • Be quiet
  • Don't hug or kiss
  • Don't point your feet to Buddha's image
  • Don't smoke

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