
Your Travel Guide to Thailand

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Visit Pratu Chai Gate (Phimai)

Presentation Pratu Chai Gate

g_translate Thai name : ประดู่ชัย
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Near Pratoo Chai
Pratu Chai
Pratoo Chai Gate
The Pratoo Chai Gate or Victory Gate is the best preserved of the four city gates of Phimai. Phimai is an ancient walled city. Pratu Chai is also the one with the most interesting scenery. On one side the city, on the other side a large lawn where students like to relax at the end of the school day, trees and a pond.
Other doors, Pratu Hin, Pratu Pee and Pratu Tawan-ok are less attractive although some have been restored.

Practical information about Pratu Chai Gate

Phimai bus station is located in front of Pratu Chai

How to get to Pratu Chai Gate ?

Phimai is a small town, so you can walk to Pratu Chai in a few minutes. If your hotel is a bit far, see to rent a bicycle. Phimai Paradise Hotel rent bikes.
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