What is the weather in Buriram?
The weather in Buriram
Buriram has a tropical savanna climate. Winters (from December to February) are particularly dry. The rainy season begins in mid-April and ends in November when you have ponctual brief torrential rainfall. In May and September rains are more important. Temperatures remain warm even during the monsoon season.
The best time to come to Buriram is from December to the end of March. The rest of the year, you have heavy punctual showers but before and after them, in general, the weather is quite pleasant. Maybe avoid to come here in ay and Spetember, the rainiest months of the year.
Tendancies month by month
Weather now in Buriram and forecast
Average temperatures in Buriram
Average high / Average low temperatures °C (source: TMD)
Average rainfall in Buriram
Average rainfall in millimeters (source: TMD)
*These graphics have been compiled with temperature and precipitation data from the Thai Department of Meteorology (TMD). They reflect trends to help you plan your trip to Thailand but are not actual weather forecasts.
General information about weather in Thailand
You can find weather information for entire Thailand, including the average rainfall month by month maps on
''Weather in Thailand''.
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