homestays in Kanchanaburi
Find accommodation in Kanchanaburi
Finding where to sleep in Kanchanburi is incredibly easy. Mae Nam Kwai Road that leads to the
Bridge over the Kwai River has a multitude of cheap guesthouses. Some have rooms floating on the river. On this street, even if you did not book in advance, you will find a room very quickly. This is the backpackers area of Kanchanaburi. The proportions of budget hotels and guesthouses is very important there. The most luxurious accommodation are usually a little further. In the province, more or less long distance from Kanchanaburi town, you will find very friendly bungalows in the nature and/or on the river.
Find accommadation in Thailand at the best price
If is the best-known hotel reservation website (and the one that spends the most money to trust Google results),
this serious website that is part of the same group very gives the same warranties and often offers better final prices for the same type of room in the same hotel in Thailand: This is very often the case since COVID (it was less the case before).
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List of homestays in Kanchanaburi
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