Taxi scam in Thailand:drivers drugging passengers before robbing them
A quick post to relay a warning issued by the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA): beware some taxi drivers drug their passengers to steal their belongings.

FDA issued this warning after a number of passengers have reported being robbed by unscrupulous drivers who are drugging their passengers. The report says that the FDA are putting out a warning to both Thai citizens and foreigners about this activity that has been going on for quite some time but occurrences seem to be on the increase. These crimes apparently involve the drivers of the taxis putting some kind of chemical into the air conditioning system of their cabs, possibly Chloroform, that will render the passenger unconscious.
Quite how this drug does not affect the driver we are not sure, but the report goes on to say that any passenger in a taxi that starts to feel nauseous should immediately roll down the windows and breathe fresh air from outside the cab.