New helpline for foreigners in Thailand
There already was the Tourist Police hotline 1155 to help tourists who encounter problems in Thailand or 1672, the hotline of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) providing tourist practical information. Now there is the 1111 a general “helpline” available 24/7.

The new 24-hour call centre to receive complaints from foreigners in Thailand can be reached by dialing the 1111 hotline.
The centre will be manned by staffers of all 20 ministries so the complaints can be addressed quickly, said Prime Minister’s Office deputy permanent secretary Chamroen Yutithamsakul.
The centre currently has English, Chinese and Japanese speaking staff to tend to callers.
The Prime Minister’s Office is also planning to include staffers from Thai embassies in ASEAN countries to the centre to service needed foreigners.
He said a budget has also been allocated for purchasing lunch for individuals who visit the complaints center in person, as well as for subsidizing the expense for the return trip of needy visitors.
Mr Chamroen said that for emergency matters, foreigners should continue to use the existing 1155 24-hour hotline operated by the Tourist Police.
(Source: ThaiPBS)