Thai boxing match: Wife VS mistress
Generally, when her husband is cheating on her, if a woman wants to punch someone it is her husband, but not always. Generally, it is done in private and without a referee but not always… A Thai boxing match of a new gender is born in Rayong province, last Sunday. A cheated woman confronted her rival, her husband’s mistress, on a Thai boxing ring with the unfaithful husband and 40,000 baht as a winner prize.
May 5, 2013 – 11:00 p.m. – Rayong Province Thailand – Ring of Srimanophas Temple School in the left corner, Fontheam Por Chatchai, 27 years old, 75 kg, the wife and in the right corner, Daojerdja Meekhun Orr, 29 years old, 58 kg, the challenger and lover of the husband of the first opponent. The match starts with no observation round. The wife punched the face of Daojerja several times, which made her fall down to the ring mat for many times. In the second round, both women used their knees to kick and the fight was more balanced. But during the 3rd and last round, decided to retain her title (I mean her husband), Fontheam ran to punch her husband’s lover continuously for many times until the final bell rang. The domination of the revengeful wife is undeniable. She is proclaimed winner and receives a belt – no, not a chastity belt, a boxing champion belt! – and a 40,000 baht (about 1,200 $) paycheck. And of course she also wins the exclusive rights to the faithless man. After her victory Fontheam said she was hurt that her husband came to cheer for his mistress. Not very fair play from him! In any case, now that he saw the punch of his wife in action, he will perhaps be more faithful!
Given the high level of infidelity in Thailand – a controversial study conducted by Durex last summer concluded that Thai men were the world champions of infidelity when Thai women just arrives second after Ghana – , this type of matchs can have a bright future in the Land of Smiles…
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