Beware of jellyfishes in Phuket and Koh Samet
Since last weekend millions of multicolored, transparent jellyfish have invaded the national marine park of Khao Laem Ya-Mu Ko Samet. The invasion was especially observed around the Sivika bay. If it is amazing to watch and attracts a lot of curious, it prevent them from swimming.
It is not uncommon during the monsoon to see the number of jellyfish increase abnormally. This phenomenon mainly affects the Andaman Sea from July to September. Currently, Nai Thon Bay on the west coast of Phuket is particularly affected. Tourists should therefore pay attention to the warnings of the authorities and lifeguards. In the area of Koh Samet-Rayong, the number of jellyfish is so impressive since last weekend tat swimming in the see is not an option.
Contact with the gelatinous sea creatures causes a huge pain and severe redness that will swell. If you are hit, wash immediately the wounds with salt water – or even better with vinegar water. But do not use with fresh water or even alcohol. It would worsen the pain. Wash thoroughly immediately after the bite because it leaves poison capsules glued to the skin that can burn your fingers, take a cloth or plastic gloves to protect yourself when washing the wound.
Otherwise you spread sand on the skin and after about 10-15 minutes gently scrape it (eg with a credit card). Shaving cream also proved it efficiency to clean a jellyfish bite. Then you have to cool the affected area with ice and maybe go to the hospital.
In theory jellyfish sting does not present any life danger. But for people with allergies or weak persons, the danger is real and can lead to anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate treatment in a hospital.
So be careful if you are in the areas of Phuket or Koh Samet right now .